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Fertility Breakthrough⢠Pregnancy Program - Second Trimester
Welcome to the Second Trimester!
Welcome Message (11:55)
Stages of pregnancy - Second Trimester
Common symptoms experienced in the second trimester
Vein related issues including varicose veins
Oedema (swelling of the hands and feet)
Stretch marks
PUPP rash of pregnancy
Heartburn, indigestion & reflux
Back ache
Shooting pain down the leg (Sciatica)
Diet and healthy weight gain in the second trimester
Weight gain
Second trimester FAQ
What happens with my clothes?
Swimming as exercise
Testing and Investigations during the second trimester
Anomoly scan (typically done 18-22 weeks)
Important considerations in the second trimester
Read this before reading any of the following lectures
Cervical incompetancy
Odourous discharge that doesn't look 'typical' for you
Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy ICP also known as Obstetric Cholestasis
Resources for the dad to be
Preparing for parenthood
Support networks
Group session recordings
Ante-natal Sessions
Teach online with
PUPP rash of pregnancy
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